Janus Capital Group World Headquarters with Hotel at Sunset

Janus Capital Group World Headquarters

Home to the world headquarter offices of Janus Capital Group, this Class AA, 160,000 SF building established the Cherry Creek submarket as a premier corporate address.

1899 Wynkoop Building Denver - Featured Image

1899 Wynkoop

1899 Wynkoop is a nine-story office building offering an impressive mix of materials including brick, stone, metal, and glass. The style of the building complements the surrounding LoDo historic district buildings while providing a unique contemporary look and feel.

Manor Homes at Cherry Creek - Street View

Manor Homes At Cherry Creek

Master planning, rezoning, design and documentation were provided for this full block development of 96-unit townhomes and stacked townhomes in the East Cherry Creek Neighborhood.

Nichols Partnership Develops Urban Infill Projects

Urban Infill

With expertise in both adaptive reuse and new construction, The Nichols Partnership’s goal is improving the urban fabric of cities through placemaking, public-private partnerships, and marketplace match-making.